Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gamification: You're Doing It Wrong--The Slides

Here are the slides from last night's class on Gamification that I gave at General Assembly.

The class went very well (IMHO) with an engaged audience of about 30 people. There were lots of people working on active projects, and some just curious about game design theory.

If you were unable to attend, hopefully you can get some value from the slides.


Monday, August 06, 2012

Gamification: You're Doing It Wrong

I’m teaching a class on how to incorporate game methodologies into web and mobile applications for the general market. The class is called "Gamification: You're Doing It Wrong" and covers the basics of game design and structure while applying those principles to modern digital design for the web and mobile.

It’s a good class if you are thinking about game design as a career or if your team is trying to incorporate game principles into a current application.

The class is Tuesday, August 21st from 6:00 - 7:30 pm at NYC-based General Assembly, a global network of campuses for individuals seeking opportunity and education in technology, business, and design.

More info and how to sign-up for the class at Eventbrite.