Sunday, April 22, 2007

QuickDock 2.0 posted

Not much to say, QuickDock 2.0 has been posted to Yahoo.

Note: I recommend starting completely over by making a fresh shortcut directory and making new shortcuts directly from the .EXE files.


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    For some odd reason I can only get shortcuts which link to folders working. Havn't tryed url's. Any shortcut to any app just makes the cpu-load go to near 100% and then right down. I am not using the QL folder, but a normal one, with a set of my own cuts. I'm on YW4 and MS-WXPp-SP2.

  2. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I really like this widget it is one of my favorites i have got to say thank you for it. I love it specially because it clears the desktop a lot. I just had one question/suggestion could some sort of hot key be added to bring it forward when I'm in another program. Like if I am using firefox and want to open itunes and the shortcut is in the dock, i just pressed a key (or two) and the dock appeared infront of firefox displaying the shortcuts so I can just click it.
    This is not something extremely neccesary just a nice little add. As I said before I love this widget, as a matter of fact this was one of the widgets that made me go back to using widgets instead of vistas gadgets (there's no selection).

  3. I can an option to keep it on top I suppose...

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    There is an option to keep it on top under Window tab in Widget Preferences.
    However, the widget is behaving strangely with a shortcut to Windows Explorer. Instead of opening WE, it opens My Computer. I've checked the shortcut several times, tried to recreate it, tooltip indicated WE...

    BTW, would it be possible to have a vertical layout and small icons option?

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Doesn't work. Add the shortcuts, click on them and nothing happens. Created new shortcuts rom Exe's.

  6. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Hi, i'm having a little of a problem with this widget.
    I have installed it but when i click in the icon nothing happens. I've tried to create a folder and added shortcut's to the aplications inside that same folder. Then i've added the icons again to the widget, but nothing happens. I was looking for something like that widget, and i really like it. However, i cant make it to work.
    Can someone help me?

  7. Anonymous1:11 AM

    i love this widget, its nice to unclutter the desktop.

    A few problem though.
    1. Itunes and quicktime don't open
    2. firefox icon is wrong it shows a page with an A in the corner.

    can anyone help?

    also a vertical option would be nice

  8. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Same problem as Pedro. Created new directory and shortcuts to exe's. Click on a icon and nothing happens.

  9. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Dowloaded the quick dock . Keep up the good work it,its excellent...I wonder what else you can come up with. Judging by quick dock sure quite a lot. Very creative

  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    help me i need older version of quick dock.
    2.0 does not display correctly the dock. 1.0 or 1.2 works properly but its gone
    send me a link to dl the old 1s

  11. Anonymous10:51 PM

    It looks nice but it won't work. I've tried creating shortcuts directly to the exes but still no luck. Hopefully whatever bug this is will be fixed soon. It's a cool looking control.

  12. Anonymous8:24 PM

    i'd like to ask you about this widget. my quickdock 2.0 doesn't work properly, but old versions are good eneough. and maybe you've got a setup file of old version. and if you have it, could you send it to me, pleeeease =) or just send a link to download. i really want this useful widget 0=)
    anyway, thx a lot
