Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Livio Radio Rocks The House

I was contemplating buying another Chumby for internet radio in my office. It's a great device, but for $200 you can buy a netbook and the speakers on the Chumby leave a little to be desired.

Enter Livio Radio. This is a (relatively) inexpensive internet stereo at $150 that has the Pandora thumbs up/thumbs down buttons built right in.

Here's the most unexcited guy in the world explaining how it works...

If I wasn't trying to by a house in NY, I'd be all over this. :)

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Braving McKinley

Last week I wrapped another 48 Hour Film. This one is a mockumentary on a theater group that reenacts the assassination of President William McKinley.

By far, this is the tightest production I've ever done. The (digital) film looks great and was shot in full HD. The sound is good with little to no post production. What you see above is my cut with about 3 minutes of footage added in--the 48 hour film project requires films to be no more than 7 minutes.
