Tuesday, April 18, 2006

rsssaver coming along nicely...

My web enabled rss screensaver that I've been working on nights and weekends is coming along pretty nicely. It's already fairly functional, I just need to add some more polish to the interface, build a installer, etc.

rsssaver - the rss screen saver for windows

I'm working on a download page that will be advertising sponsored and a "begging" screen that asks for a few bucks if you like the software. I think this is a better route than doing a full up shareware program if you don't have the time to support it.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

My first "blog" closes...

After 7 years of providing information, articles and code for the Borland Game development community, turbo has officially decided to close.

It was a very small site, but followed by a dedicated community.

Read the rest here...